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The Sixth Amendment and False Criminal Accusations


The United States criminal justice system is said to be blind so that a verdict of guilty or not guilty can be determined only with the facts and beyond a reasonable doubt. This idea helps keep the public’s faith in the system and in the outcome of a criminal case. Though the criminal justice system is not perfect, in fact, it is far from it. And there are several instances and examples of false accusations leading to innocent people suffering punishment for crimes they did not commit. In the course of an alleged crime, witnesses and law enforcement can both make critical errors that significantly impact the outcome of a criminal case. Or, a false accusation can be purposely and methodically made with the hopes of hurting someone out of malice.

Convictions resulting from false accusations are a tragedy, to say the least. Though, these instances happen occasionally when the wrong person is accused of a crime that another person committed. Sometimes, despite an accusation being false, the circumstances of an arrest can put an individual under an immense amount of duress where they feel like they have no choice but to admit to a crime they know they did not do.

If you were arrested in Florida, the Orlando criminal defense lawyers at Joshi Law Firm, PA, have your back. An arrest is a stressful life experience, and it can be even more upsetting due to a false accusation. There are steps you can take, though, to best protect yourself and your integrity. The legal team at Joshi Law explains your rights below.

What You Can Do After a False Criminal Allegation is Made Against You 

Your accuser cannot hide in the dark after making a charge against you. As a benefit of the sixth amendment in the Constitution, you have the right to a public trial. That means you can face your accuser, refute their allegations and make your case. Then, given the evidence presented by both sides, your side as the defendant and the accuser’s side as the plaintiff, the judge and jury must conclude the correct verdict.

Remember, it is the prosecution’s duty to secure a conviction that they convince a jury beyond a reasonable doubt that you are guilty. This can be a tall order, and if you did not commit a crime, getting to this standard can be pretty tricky for the prosecution to achieve.

To best protect your interests after an arrest, you should immediately seek the counsel of an experienced attorney. This way, communication with law enforcement or the prosecution can be taken care of for you so that you are not goaded or pressured into saying something that could harm you during the trial. Also, if a prosecutor believes they may have a weak case at trial, they could try to get a plea deal done. Your attorney can advise you on your options and on whether or not taking the deal is a good idea or not. In the case of a false accusation, it may be better to stick to your guns and not accept any deal.

Speak to an Orlando Criminal Defense Attorney Today 

False accusations happen frequently. The Center for Prosecutor Integrity reports that a national survey in 2020 suggested that more than 20 million people were falsely accused of some type of abuse in the U.S.

Facing criminal charges is a scary thing. Having an attorney on your side gives you the best chance of getting through things with the desired outcome. Call an experienced Orlando criminal defense attorney at Joshi Law Firm, PA, today at (407) 661-1109 for help with your case.



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