How Does Florida Punish First Time Offenders Of Domestic Violence?

When loved ones have disputes, emotions can cause people to have a hard time thinking clearly, and as a result, things have the potential to get physical. And even if the party who put hands on another didn’t mean to let the situation become so toxic and explosive, when things get out of hand, and the police are called, domestic violence will not be taken lightly. Domestic violence charges and resulting guilty verdicts can have severe implications in terms of criminal penalties. But every other aspect of a person’s life can also be negatively impacted by a domestic violence conviction which is why it is critical to get in touch with an attorney if you are facing domestic violence charges.
It only takes just one time for a domestic violence charge to ruin much of the good life accomplishments that one has built for themself. First-time offenders do not simply face a slap on the wrist because they haven’t been accused of this criminal violation before. They can face significant criminal punishments. After an arrest for domestic violence, talking with an attorney can be beneficial and help you get the best outcome possible. In Florida, the Orlando domestic violence defense attorneys at the Joshi Law Firm, PA, have the tools and experience to help you.
Criminal Penalties for First-Time Domestic Violence Offenders in Florida
If you are charged with harming someone close to you, including any of the following, then the incident will be considered one of domestic violence.
- Spouse
- Ex-spouse
- People related to you by blood or through marriage
- Individuals who share a child
- People you currently live with or did previously live with as a family unit
A first-time domestic violence charge may be charged as a misdemeanor in the first degree. This is the most serious type of misdemeanor charge. Jail time for as long as one year and a hefty fine of $1,000 will come with a guilty verdict.
There are mandatory minimum jail sentences for this type of charge in some different scenarios. For example, the mandatory minimum jail sentence is 10 days if the court determines that the domestic assault was meant to cause physical bodily harm to the victim.
When a defendant pleads no contest, if they are convicted, they will be sentenced to probation and must attend a training and rehabilitation program. If this condition is violated, then probation may be lost, and jail time may be required.
Speak to a Florida Domestic Violence Defense Attorney Today
Avoiding serious repercussions, like time in jail after a first-time domestic violence arrest in Florida, can be possible. An attorney can review your case and figure out the right approach to helping you get the most desirable outcome. When you partner with the experienced Orlando domestic violence lawyers at the Joshi Law Firm, PA, you will have seasoned and resourceful legal representation working for you and fighting for optimal results.
Call the Joshi Law Firm, PA, today to schedule a free consultation at (407) 661-1109.